Whoa Podcast About Horses Horsemanship

Coming Back To Horses



Coming Back To Horses  Women are coming back to horses after raising a family.  There is a lot of life left after your children leave the nest.  Many people use these "Golden Years" to follow their dreams of once again owning a horse. Long-time listener Susan Hoskins raised eight children.  As they gradually left home to lead their own lives, Susan saw the writing on the wall.  She would need something to fill the void - both of time and passion - that her family left behind.  Coming back to horses is a dream come true. Challenges But, things are always easier the second time around.  Mother Nature imposes some physical restrictions on the second half century of life.  While it was not always easy, Susan overcame many of those challenges.  She shares her tips on this episode. Susan's Suggestions if You're Coming Back to Horses  Susan sent me a great email with many of the items we talked about on the show.  She added this note:  "I am not associated with these companies / organizations, except that I have p