Business Reimagined With Danny Iny | The Mirasee Podcast

David H. Lawrence XVII on the Art, Science, and Commerce of Making it in Acting



You’ve heard it before: to be an artist is to suffer. Whether you’re acting, writing, painting, or any other creative endeavor, it’s easy to want to pretend the business side of things doesn’t exist. Money is dirty, and technology is too hard, right? You don’t have to be a starving artist. You don’t have to feel bad about leveraging technology and charging money for your hard work. Today’s guest, , is an actor from the hit show Heroes, a prolific voice actor and coach, and a technology junkie. When he’s not being artistically awesome, he’s busy spreading his message to all creatives. To be an artist isn’t enough these days. You need the Art, the Commerce, and the Science. Learn all about what David’s 3-pronged approach to acting and creative work, which relies strongly on sound entrepreneurial practices, on today’s episode of Business Reimagined with Danny Iny. KEY POINTS:  At 2:00 – David explains his theory of observable realities and the definition of success that he gives to every client. He then explains