Business Reimagined With Danny Iny | The Mirasee Podcast

Natural Performance Enhancement with Dr. Isaac Jones



In terms of performance, did you know that you have a ‘genetic bucket?’ Everyone does, and we don’t get to choose how much they hold. Some are bigger than others, and you can have a huge effect on the size of your children’s genetic bucket, by virtue of the life YOU live.  So what’s a genetic bucket?  According to Dr. Isaac Jones, your genetic bucket is how much toxicity you can hold in your body. Once the bucket overflows, you begin to feel tired and distracted. You have headaches and pain in your body. In short, an overflowing bucket can lead to poor performance.  In this episode, discover why you shouldn’t pass tiredness and headaches off as a hazard of being a busy entrepreneur. Also:  Isaac reveals his own painful past and the transition from special education student to the top of his class and nearly qualifying for the Olympics. Find out what the dirty dozen and clean fifteen are, and how you can eat better, even on a budget. Combat environmental toxins and cleanse your body through natural means, in