Disruptor Series

Suzi Watford is Disrupting the News Business - Ep 76



“Does the Wall Street Journal reflect business or can The Wall Street Journal change the future face of business?"   In what turned out to be quite an enlightening conversation, Suzi Watford - Wall Street Journal EVP, Chief Marketing & Membership Officer - breaks down the story behind the publication's current success in the ever-evolving newspaper business.  Today, over 3MM+ people subscribe to WSJ - the most in its history.  A big part of this success is due in part to Suzi and other disruptors at the publication who  have made a strategic pivot towards digital, cultivated a more diverse readership base and doubled-down on their commitment to trustworthiness.   Get More From The Disruptor Series: Subscribe to our Newsletter: "Dose of Disruption" Visit our Website: www.DisruptorSeries.com Follow us on Social Media: Instagram LinkedIn   Credits: Hosts - Asha Davis & Rob Schwartz Intro/Outro Voiced by Sophia Barnett Producer - Rashida Peters Executive Producers - Natalie Zeller / Rashida