Paco's Got Balls Featuring Wendi

Paco's Got Balls #99 “Foul Mouthed Al” with Al Carroll



Paco, Balls, and Wendi welcome Delaware comedian Al Carroll to the studio! Al chats about his experiences with Delaware music festivals, while Wendi expresses some grievances. Then Paco and Balls recap their recent comedy show in Cambridge, which leads to the great apple butter vs apple sauce debate of 2019. After some local news about a certain celeb in hot water is discussed, it’s the hot seat for Al! He chats about being in a band, the high cost of being a comedian, and his last performance with Delaware Adult Improv.   Tags: Al Carroll, Foul Mouthed Al, Delaware, Firefly Festival, Liam Neeson, Apple Butter, Cambridge, Apple Sauce, Improv, June Jam