Paco's Got Balls Featuring Wendi

Paco's Got Balls feat. Wendi #129 “The Wendi and Mike Quindlen Show” with Haywood Turnipseed Jr. and Walker Hays



Wendi and guest host Mike Quindlen welcome Baltimore comedian Haywood Turnipseed to the studio to hold down the fort as Balls and Paco attend KISS. After Wendi cues up the vodka machine gun, Quindlen probes Haywood about his recent New York Times opinion piece and his special appearance for the BBC discussing Trump. When things heat up politically, Haywood gets a hot seat from Wendi and Mike to talk his favorite female comedians, his favorite comedy show, and more.   TAGS: Haywood Turnipseed, Mike Quindlen, New York Times, BBC, Trump, Politics, Oliver, Walker Hays, Emilio Estivez, Kim Stanton, Glow, KISS