Paco's Got Balls Featuring Wendi

Paco's Got Balls feat. Wendi #130 - “Oh Wendi, Where Art Thou?” With Erik Woodworth



The boys are back, this time time with Baltimore comedian and host of Quality Time podcast Erik Woodworth in the Wendi chair! As the crew speculates her whereabouts, Balls dials her phone - but will he get a hold of her? And where is she?? The answer could shake the very foundation of Paco’s Got Balls as we know it! Plus, Paco and Balls give a recap of their trip to see KISS, and talk about Paul Stanley’s new routine. Story time continues as Balls delivers a rapid fire account of his drunken Labor Day weekend boating adventures, and Paco tells a tragic tale of an old friend from Souris’s Saloon.   Tags: 7th Annual Kelly's Dream Golf, 98 Rock, Erik Woodworth, Quality Time Podcast, Bloodsport, Dawn of the Dead, KISS, Paul Stanley, Van Halen, Diamond Dave, Labor Day, Teen Wolf, Michael J Fox, Wedding Ring, Cellar Door, The Hangover, Souris’s Saloon,