Paco's Got Balls Featuring Wendi

Paco's Got Balls feat. Wendi #147 - "Paco Solo" with Jessie Invernizzi



‘‘Tis the night after Christmas, and decked are the halls, with Paco and Mike, but where is ole’ Balls? With Paco now solo, and a show ‘round the bend, enter Jessie Invernizzi, his childhood friend. His globe trotting bro tells tales of his travels, and another story about cocaine unravels. Concerned about Balls, who’s missing this party, Paco calls up his nurse brother Darby. And while Balls is with family, still playing Old St. Nick, three pals gather round to chat ‘bout his d**k.   Tags: Jessie Invernizzi, Darby Subotich, New Orleans, Drugs, Cocaine, Foreskin, Guns, Christmas, Air Pods, Crawl, Fantasy Football, Wonderful Christmastime, Paul McCartney