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Marvin Eder - The Strongest Man Who Ever Lived, Pound for Pound, Drug Free



Marvin Eder Interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 20) - 22 Oct 14 Tonight you are in for quite a treat. Our guest is pound for pound the strongest drug free man to ever walk the face of the earth. The legendary Marvin Eder. I have been friends with Marvin for over 10 years and we have had many long phone conversations. I wish I had them all recorded. Marvin was the recipient of the Physical Culture Award at my last Capital City Strength Clinic, and today, the day of this podcast, October 22nd, its Marvin's 83rd birthday. Happy birthday Marvin. Listen to what the great iron game historian Osmo Kiiha wrote about Marvin Eder: “Marvin set the strength world on notice in the early 1950's His incredible power along with a world class physique set him apart from other men of his era. He had tremendous natural gifts, thick joints, great leverage, all his lifting was done way before the era of drugs. Marvin's strength feats were almost super human, he was able to surpass the effort