Mind Force Radio.com

Arthur Jones in Deland, Kim Wood, Dr. Ken, Casey Viator, Jim Flanagan, Dick Butkus



Jim Bryan Interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 14) - 21 Aug 14 Jim has done it all in the field of strength training and has over 50 years experience. He is a High Intensity Training pioneer and was one of the earliest college strength coaches to use the HIT philosophy way back in the early 70’s. He was truly one of the first college strength coaches period. Jim was also one of the first people to work directly with Arthur Jones in Deland, Florida back in the early 70’s. I will be picking Jim's brain tonight for some insight to those colorful days working with Arthur in Deland. Training in Deland with Arthur Jones, Kim Wood, Dr. Ken, Casey Viator, Jim Flanagan, Dick Butkus, Carlton Fisk, and more! Please see all of our podcasts here: http://www.mindforceradio.com/