Girl On Purpose With Vivian Tenorio

009: Natasha Case, Co-Founder of Coolhaus



CEO Natasha Case began her journey in ice cream while in college studying architecture. She started baking cookies, making ice-cream sandwiches for friends and named the combinations after famous architects and architectural movements. After receiving positive feedback, she and business partner Freya Estreller bought a beat up van on Craigslist, officially called the ice cream sandwich line Coolhaus (after architect Rem Koolhaas, Bauhaus, the minimalist design and lifestyle movement of the 1920's and 1930's) and launched at Coachella in 2009. They were a huge success at the festival and returned to LA to an eager foodie audience who demanded more. On Today’s show Natasha will share: - What’s Your Personal Mission Statement? Love your work, and create an environment where your work is your lifestyle. That's when work is the most fun [my mission is always for work to be fun!] and exciting---when the lines of work and pleasure are blurred. You'll inspire others (your team/staff) to function in the same light, an