Job Optional Podcast With Jenae Nicole

009: Elevate Your Vision



  Today’s show we will learn to Quit thinking small when it comes to the Vision we have For our Passion Project. To become a Success at anything we do in life it will require us To see things from a different perspective. It’s time to go to another level and we can’t get there With the thinking that got us to now. We have to expand what is possible in our Entrepreneurial Journey even to ourselves sometimes.         What is a Mastermind and how will help you…   ·         See the forest from the trees ·         Get different points of view ·         Get and give support     Elevating Mindset   ·         Everyone is not wired to be a boss somebody gotta be a worker ·         Some people don’t have a reference of more ·         Can’t go where you can’t see.   Expand your Territory EXPECT MORE   ·         Be mindful of your vision ·         You are a World Changer ·         From the ground you can’t see what’s happening down the road but from above you can see everything ·         Too close to see the reality of t