Job Optional Podcast With Jenae Nicole

013: Overworked & Underwhelmed



            Not only do we have the same business goals and objectives as well as home and family obligations we have a full time job that is a monster in and of itself to manage our time with.   And yes we chose this life and we can quit and throw in the towel at any moment if we want, but not us girls because we are World Changers and we never quit!   I know getting started with your Side Hustle has not been easy we feel overworked  With our ever growing to do list - website, networking, social media, content, products or services, clients, etc.   Underwhelmed with results so far, not seeing the amazing results some of your Entrepreneurial friends?    Your gift is for you; you were hand-picked for this mission, only you have the gifts, skills and talent to finish it.   But I digress this morning as my Pastor  was speaking about the Time we have here being a gift with an expiration date; being accountable with how we spend it.   So let that sink in them 2 bombs he dropped, we all know our time here will end