Omg Radio With Jamie Palmer

Hello 2020! Your 2020 goals and the habits you need to achieve them



Hello 2020! I am so excited to be back to work this week! I spent the last two weeks completely unplugged and just totally enjoying my time with my kids. While it didn't go exactly as planned, I still feel very refreshed. Today, I want to talk to you about my goal setting process for 2020 and how I divide my goals up into the different roles and categories I play in life, myself (personal goals), entrepreneur (business goals), Wife (or partner), Mother, Financial (not tied to the business), House etc. As I go through this process of physically writing down my goals, yes, I grab a note book and write them down, I slow down and reflect. I start by reflecting on 2019. Where I succeeded. Where I failed. Where I needed support. Basically what went right and what didn't. I start there and I review my old goals to see what got done and what didn't, and why. From there I then go into the process for writing down goals for each of the categories that I defined. Some may be goals, like lose 10 pounds or write a book, y