The Smart Couple Podcast

SC 15 - Ayahuasca & Relationships - Geoff Hanzlik and Richard Furr



Can plant medicine such as Ayahuasca help our marriages? In this episode I interview two very experienced guests who have both done over 500 ceremonies with this sacred medicine. We dive deep into this question, highlighting Ayahuasca’s strengths as a healing modality and where this medicine may fall short when it comes to interpersonal relationships. SHOWNOTES: Jayson’s early Ayahuasca experiences [2:30] Intro to Geoff Hanzlik [4:50] Intro to Richard Furr [5:45] Beginning of interview [6:50] Geoff shares how early depression lead him to Ayahuasca [8:40] Richard shares how he entered the Ayahuasca path [11:35] What exactly is Ayahuasca? [14:20] Potential dangers and downsides of Ayahuasca [17:35] Can this medicine “make you more sensitive”? [22:45] Is group processing needed before and after ceremonies?  [25:00] Bringing therapy into the conversation [26:00] The greatest thing the medicine taught Jayson [28:50] Does Ayahuasca help with our intimate relationships? [30:55] How would one use Ayahuasca to help t