The Smart Couple Podcast

SC 22 - Cock Talk - 4 Men Getting Really Honest



In this episode, I’m joined by a panel of courageous men: Booster Blake, Jeffrey Platts, Adrial Dale, and Christopher Sunyata.  These men have all done work on themselves, and so are able to get honest and talk openly about their sexuality, their victories and challenges with intimacy, with relationship, and with their bodies in the bedroom.  I think you’ll appreciate the transparency of these men. SHOWNOTES: How has porn negatively or positively affected your sex life? [29:45] If you played with other boys when you were young, did you ever have any doubts that you were gay because you enjoyed it? [27:05] Did you ever have a sexual experience with a boy? [24:00] When did you first learn to masturbate, and what was it like? [17:30] The men briefly describe their relationships to their cock [13:00] Christopher introduces himself [10:10] Booster Blake introduces himself [8:45] Jeffrey introduces himself [7:35] Adrial introduces himself [6:50] Beginning of interview [6:45] Where do these men draw the line when i