Other Paid Time

Episode 16: Snackz



This episode brings in a weary travel from the land of stinky water and Bulldogs as we discuss a plethora of topics from the Nacho Libre Soundtrack to the proper length of a podcast. You can find Snackz on twitter @JacobSnacks, Instagram Jacob_K_Mitchell and of course Facebook which will be tagged in this post so i don't need to type in whatever his URL is although it's probably like fb.com/JacobAteTheSnackzButNotAnyMoreBecauseILostLike40PoundsDogHollaYeeYee. If you're looking to get in contact with our love connection from this episode shoot us an email at Otherpaidtimepodcast@gmail.com or as always on twitter @OtherPaidTime. New Episodes all month send in your feedback!