Other Paid Time

Episode 22: Jordan Points



Join the Keto Club! Just kidding I'm not really sure if thats a real thing already or not I just thought it sounded catchy, but for real apparently the Keto diet is the real deal! Jordan came by to discuss his fitness achievements and to drop some knowledge on anyone looking to shed some weight. Honestly i think it's hard for anyone struggling to meet goals to take advice from other people, but how can you not want tips from a guy who lost 135 pounds? Again just want to thank everyone who shares, listens and reviews the show as we're picking up steam each week! Jordan is on Instagram @Points70 (still not sure if Instagram uses @ or not but until someone says something I'm gonna keep doing it). As always you can find us on Instagram and Twitter @OtherPaidTime and shoot them emails over to otherpaidtimepodcast@gmail.com. Stay tuned for some new changes to the show!