It's No Secret With Dr T.

195 - REBROADCAST David M Frees Communication, Persuasion & Influence



This episode with David M Frees is a REBROADCAST and it was chosen because the content is so friggin good. It is also the most downloaded episode on It's No Secret with Dr T. If you missed it the first time you'll be glad I'm rebroadcasting and if you did hear this episode the first time you'll be happy as well.  David M. Frees is a Trust, Estate and Wealth Preservation Lawyer from Phoenixville Pennsylvania. He is an expert when it comes to persuasion and communication, and on a personal note, Dave is one of the best communicators I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I think you’ll go back and listen to this episode numerous times because there are so many takeaway points. Here are the highlights: The first and most powerful key to being an excellent communicator, great negotiator and person of influence, is to master the art of listening to the other person. You need to quiet the demons in your head and not be thinking about what you want to say next. When you meet someone, always be looking for somethi