It's No Secret With Dr T.

201 - Working With Your Significant Other with Christine Franklin



I have been trying to get my wife, Christine Franklin, onto It's No Secret with Dr T. for quite some time and today I finally managed to get a microphone in her hand and delve into the topic of working with your significant other.  The reason I think this topic is important is that both Christine and I have heard friends say they could never work with their husband or wife, they would kill each other. This always surprised us because we've been able to work together, successfully for well over twenty years and have loved every moment. Yes, we've had disagreements, but they have been few and far between, and the goal of this episode is to shed some light on why we believe we have been such a great team and continue to enjoy each others company, even after 20+ years.  If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at  Subscribe To My Newsletter If you'd like to keep up to date with my EVENTS and other activities, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you wi