It's No Secret With Dr T.

203 - Leveraging Video Longterm with Byron Dempsey



Byron Dempsey is the owner of Stream Digital Marketing, a company that specialises in creating social media video content for podcasters and keynote speakers. The power of video is to leverage what you're already doing.  He is also the host of the Driven Young Podcast which explores ways to help educate and inspire the younger generation around entrepreneurship and practical life skills we arent taught in school.  On this episode we discuss: How to create a lot of video content in a short amount of time How a 40-minute talk can generate enough material for the next two months. Leverage what you’re already doing.  Why public speaking and podcasting videos are more natural to work with. Leveraging longterm and being aware of video formats. Tip for Podcasters If you're already podcasting, it's as simple as putting your smartphone on a $10 tripod and pressing record. You've already go the audio sorted.  You have options: You can record externally (Camera or Smartphone) or use Zoom / Skype to record. Either way,