It's No Secret With Dr T.

204 - Setting Up A Niched Online Physiotherapy Business with Brodie Sharpe



With everything that is happening in the world right now with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, more and more businesses are asking their team to work from home, so this episode with Brodie Sharpe couldn't have been better timed. Brodie owns a niched online physiotherapy business aimed at runners called Break Through Running, which can be found online at Today we discuss: The how and why of creating an Online Physiotherapy Business Testing out the processes Using his two podcasts to promote his business and what he is passionate about: Everyday Running Legends Podcast - interviewing runners with great stories Run Smarter Podcast - this podcast is educational and ties in more with the business Lessons learnt from the book Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port Don’t worry about delivering too much information. What you want to do is deliver as much information that you’re uncomfortable with, and then deliver more. Becoming the patients first line of contact, by telling