It's No Secret With Dr T.

209 - Marketing Post Covid-19 with Justin Blake



Justin Blake is the owner of Justin Blake Media, and on this episode, we discuss marketing and what you should be doing now and post COVID-19. What you do now will set you up for when we come out the other end. The biggest problem facing many small business owners is what they think marketing is, and more often than not, it's not marketing, it's wishful thinking.  On this episode we discuss: Word of Mouth Marketing and why it is flawed It's too slow You're not in control of it. The message relayed about your business could be incorrect. Social media and the internet are at our fingertips but: You need to focus on your ideal client. Who do you want to work with?  You need to know where they are, and you need to be there.  You need to have the right message and talk to them in a way they understand.  You cannot expect people to know what you do, so educate them.  Why are you different? The importance of claiming your Google My Business Page Landing pages  Google Adwords Why you need to stay in touch