Saulle Says Podcast

Saulle's Sales Tips: Getting Out of a Funk



Saulle Says getting out of a funk is critical to success in sales and in life.  We all go through periods where it feels like we are spinning our wheels.  No matter what we do we can't snap out of it.  Our production at work plummets and we are like zombies at home.  Here are some outstanding tips to help you snap out of it and get back to living the life you deserve. #saullesays As always thanks for listening. Please subscribe and comment on The Saulle Says Podcast.  And be sure to tell your friends.     You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life. I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working with me please visit or email me at