Saulle Says Podcast

BULLIED: Lessons for School, Business & Life - Volume 7, 8 & 9



This episode includes the lessons 7, 8 & 9 from my BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life presentation at Perkiomen Valley High School in suburban Philadelphia on Wednesday November 15th, 2017. The full 38 minute video can be found at This video is designed for any students, parents or educators who are looking to share quick summaries of the lessons provided in this groundbreaking presentation. This episode focuses on the following critical lessons: Be Around Good People Don't Break Trust Never Judge Others I spoke to over 400 freshman students during career day. It was a life-changing experience for me as I was able to speak directly to these young men & women during a pivotal time in their life. Several students approached me after the event expressing their sincere gratitude for my message as they are in the midst of significant personal struggles. I told them they've barely put the paintbrush to the canvas that will become the masterpiece tha