Saulle Says Podcast

Saulle Says: Character



The greek translation of the word character is "imprint on the soul."  Others say it is the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.  In my mind it's quite simply the sum of the qualities that define a person.   How you define it is less important than whether or not you have it.  Because character is arguably the most important trait that a person possesses.  It is critical in finding the right spouse, friends and employees.  This episode delves deep into the importance of character and identifies the six traits that I believe are essential to finding a person with strong character.         You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life.  I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working with me please visit or email me at saulles