Saulle Says Podcast

Saulle Says: Seven Sales Secrets - Part II



The latest episode is Saulle’s Seven Sales Secrets.    I'm particularly excited about this episode because the "secrets" can be applied to any sales professional in any field.   Sometimes my ideas come to me through personal experiences while other times I’ll find inspiration through an article or book that I read.  Regardless I always try to put my unique spin on topics so they are relatable to you.  Sometimes it’s helpful to hear a perspective from someone who has tried, failed and tried again.  I don't always break any new ground or revolutionize the sales industry, but I do share some insights that I’ve collected over the past 25+ years in sales.  I’ve been a sole contributor, a sales manager and currently a regional director, so I’ve seen and done things from many different perspectives.   And I can tell you this many of the things I learned and was taught early in my career still applies today. I probably would have made a lot more money and been promoted a whole lot sooner if I would have listened and