Columbus Entrepreneurs' Podcast

008: Kristen Harris



In this episode, Kevin meets with Kristen Harris, co-founder of Portfolio Creative. They talk about how the business got started, working with a compatible business partner, as well as where they hope to grow in the future. Kristen talks about some key aspects of EO that have contributed to the evolution of their business, as well as some ways members of EO can get involved in more of what the organization has to offer.   Key Takeaways: [0:38] Kristin shares her lifeline: her parents were very entrepreneurial as Kristin was growing up, and she didn’t feel like that was what she wanted to do. She went to school for retail advertising, and worked for Limited brands for several years in the marketing departments. Events aligned to create the best time for her and her co-founder Catherine to start their business, Portfolio Creative. [4:44] She and her business partner had worked together previously, but they knew each other as coworkers. Because they are opposites, they are very complementary of each other as bus