Klag 'n Windy

Klag n windy's asscast episode 5



Great Googly-moogly! What an episode. We went to Watchmen. Who watches the Watchmen? We do. Unfortunately?! Also, great topics for the campfire including gratuitous sex and violence, Klag's love/hate relationship with her Garmin, Earhair man, evil games that keep windy up late, Annoying TWEENS, and the theoretical functionality of female urinals. Also, a comparison between Dr. Manhattan and windy's junk. Sweet! For your perusal online: Earhair man! Plus, evil game of the week at http://www.handdrawngames.com/DesktopTD/Game.asp Arkham horror storers at http://www.boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/38929