Got Faded Japan

Got Faded Japan episode 42



ep42 Got Faded Japan Johnny and Shank get faded at a sayonara party and Johnny starts his new career as a professional beer guzzler. Kenpo black belt Uni professor throws a combo down on a 40 yr old woman, 40 mil stolen from tsunami-cracked bank vault, Chinese man turns himself into police over nuclear fears, Akihabara slayer gets death penalty, donation money stolen from convenience store and gyudon restaurant, and man uses 2 yr old as a punching bag. The Got Faded Japan Podcast gives listeners a glimpse of the seedy side of Japan's news, culture, politics, parties, drinking spots, and all around mischief and mayhem. Hosted by Johnny and Shank who add their own opinions and otherwise drunken bullshit to the mix. Kanpai motha fuckas! I AM THE EDITOR Got Faded Japan facebook & twitter communities: Got Faded Japan