Got Faded Japan

Got Faded Japan episode 70



ep70 Got Faded Japan Podcast Johnny's loss is Shank's gain as the studio gets its homebrew on while Shank fails to stick his foot up the neighbor's arse. Three stooges rob Tochigi hotel, 3 yutes bludgeon mother of girlfriend during hammer party, chef's knife flies through subway car into passenger's leg, Judo teacher guilty of slamming the shit out of six year-old student, woman hoes daughter to 72 year-old…for years, Anna Tsuchiya's husband goes crazy at karaoke, and man robs liquor store with knife and ruin's off-duty cop's pooty plans. The Got Faded Japan Podcast gives listeners a glimpse of the seedy side of Japan's news, culture, politics, parties, and all around mischief and mayhem. Hosted by Johnny and Shank who add their own opinions and otherwise drunken bullshit to the mix.  Send us an email on FB/twitter Got Faded Japan, to or go to to buy a t-shirt to support the show. Or just tell a friend or post a link to keep this shit rolllin' Fader!