Got Faded Japan

Got Faded Japan episode 72



Ep72 Got Faded Japan Podcast Johnny does some black light painting and the guys drink shifty beer in a shifty chain bar.  Garbage Pail Kid found in convenience store bathroom, graffiti "gang" terrorizes train lines, fire chief battles rival in girlfriend's house, man steals school uniforms and underwear across 3 prefectures, 19 year-old mercy kills 44 year-old lover, carpenter hack noisy neighbor with hatchet, and Osaka man forces son to beg on street for 3 months for a measly $20. The Got Faded Japan Podcast gives listeners a glimpse of the seedy side of Japan's news, culture, politics, parties, and all around mischief and mayhem. Hosted by Johnny and Shank who add their own opinions and otherwise drunken bullshit to the mix.  Send us an email on FB/twitter Got Faded Japan, to or go to to buy a t-shirt to support the show. Or just tell a friend or post a link to keep this shit rolllin' Fader! Kanpai mofos!