David Hathaway

Reasonable Service (featuring Vinesong)



What is 'reasonable service'? 'Reasonable service' is what the mechanic does to your car when it breaks down and you pay him to put it right, and only when it's fixed is it 'reasonable service'! Or you have somebody to clean, or paint, or build your house - but if what they do is only what they are paid for, they're not giving you anything. You pay for it, so it's 'reasonable service'. Christian, the Son of God gave His whole life for you on the cross - and your reasonable service is to give Him your life back in return. That is why the Apostle Paul wrote, 'I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service' (Romans 12:1, KJV). 'Your Anointing' & 'Lord Jesus I love You' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com