Jessica On A Journey: Decide To Live!

Episode 27: LIVE! Defeating Depression | Ariane Aramburo on Decide to Live with Jessica Larché



Hey friends! I am excited to share the expansion of the “Decide to Live with Jessica Larché” podcast into an online talk show! You can stream the live taping of this episode on my YouTube Channel: Decide to Live® has served as an open diary about the emotional and spiritual lessons I’m learning along my 100-pound weight loss and wellness journey. Now, each month we’re inviting others who have overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges to share what helped them decide to live along their own journeys, too! The first episode features fellow morning news anchor, postpartum depression survivor – and my best friend – Ariane Aramburo to share her journey. Get the tissues ready! We shot this episode almost an ENTIRE YEAR AGO! We invited an intimate group of her friends and supporters to join us when she visited Virginia for her daughter’s third birthday in 2018. We prayed about the best time to share it with all of you. Now, a