Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

219: Branding vs Marketing vs Sales



What's your brand? Is worrying about it going to increase your sales? What is translating marketing on Instagram into sales? Today we're going to talk about the difference between branding, marketing and sales, as it's related to your small business. A few weeks ago we talked about increasing sales through marketing on Instagram and then I was talking with a Captain about being sure they were spending their time on SALES, not just on Branding. It got me thinking, there's an important distinction between Branding and Marketing and Sales, and we don't talk about it a lot. In a big a business, these three things are clearly separate, there are different people in each department. But in your small business, you're doing it all. And in different businesses, they have different weights, .... Branding The vibe of your business. Your brand is the answer to the question: “How do people think about your business? How does your business makes people feel?" When they see it, they know it's yours, because it's your brand