Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

226: Why you self-sabotage



I did not want to talk about this. I have been avoiding this topic for years, even though it's something my listeners and clients as ask all the time: WHY do I keep sabotaging myself? If you feel like you sabotage your own success, today’s episode is for you. So last week I put up 5 different podcast ideas for the Starship to vote on what they most wanted me to talk about...and you know what got the most votes? Self Sabotage! Even though I've been asked this a lot, I've avoided talking about it because...I think it's possible you are NOT sabotaging yourself. Sometimes the things that look like self-sabotage are actually just you taking care of yourself! For example, if you wake up with a headache, like I did last Friday, and you decide NOT to work on your To Do list, even though it's very big and you have a deadline...is that self-sabotage? Or self-care? Now, since we're talking about ME, I bet you'd say: Tara! You have a headache, take the day off, your business will be OK! But if we are talking about YOU, y