Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

240: Introvert in business, with Stacey Trock



Are you an introvert? Not sure? Think being an introvert is the same thing as being shy? We have a lot to talk about! Hi, I’m Stacey. I’m an introvert. I’m also tremendously talkative, self-confident and not the tiniest bit shy. Sound like a contradiction? Not really. In this episode, I’m going to talk about what an introvert really is, plus dispel some misconceptions. I’ll fill you in on the strengths of an introvert, as well as some strategies to cope with challenging situations. What is an introvert? An introvert is someone who needs alone time to truly thrive. Interacting with people is often draining. Although being 100% introverted is rare, we all fall along the introvert-extrovert continuum. People with more than 50% introverted tendencies are usually considered introverts. Introverts often: Think best on their own Find ‘small talk’ draining Notice subtle cues Have a strong internal monologue Are thorough Are independent & work well on their own Excel in 1-on-1 interactions and deep conversations