Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

242: Celebration is important: Why and How



Celebration is SO important for the health of your business. In today's episode I cover the big reasons WHY you need to stop and celebrate and also HOW to celebrate (no, it doesn't need to cost money.) If you look back at 2018 and can't remember what went well or how your business did, tune in to make 2019 a better year. Why Celebration? The answer is science: Our brains are wired to have a negativity bias. We notice the negative (bad sales day, unmet goals, cranky customers) MORE than the positive. We give negative feedback more mental weight than positive feedback. Which is why it's easy to look at your business and remember what went wrong, but harder to remember what went right. Making a BIG DEAL and celebrating your successes gives some weight to the positive - it helps you make a memory of the good. Because here's the thing - one day you are going to feel run-down or overwhelmed or just cranky about your business and when you look back and wonder "should I keep going?"...if you don't have any positive m