Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

245: Seasons in business



What if you are just not getting things done? What if you just can NOT get things done? Before you start beating yourself up, ask yourself: is this just a season of my life? Today we're going to talk about how to identify the season you're in, and what to do about, to be both as productive and GENTLE as possible. My aim is to guide you to living an enthusiasm-filled life...which includes doing work you love, spending time with people you love, and feeling GOOD while doing it. I was recently asked the question on Instagram: I feel like I'm in a season of my life when I can't get a lot done. Am I alone? Can you talk about this? First, let me preface today's episode with some background: two months ago I didn't have any kids. We became foster parents last September and on December 17th a two year old girl came to live with us, for an undetermined amount of time. And let me tell you - one of the first thoughts I had about my business, when my head came above water, several weeks later was: I can't believe I ever