Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

252: Get your confidence back



I’m gonna be honest: For years I have been teaching about confidence, here on the podcast, at conferences. So I was surprised to find: I had totally lost my confidence. Today I’m going to share how I lost it and how I’m getting it back. Hopefully it will help you locate your own confidence. First: What do I mean by confidence? Let’s define it here, because it’s easy to misunderstand. And I’ll be honest, I meet a lot of women who say they can’t move forward until they’re more confident and in my work, I’ve just found that’s not entirely true. You are probably confident ENOUGH to at least do SOMETHING. So let’s define it: Confidence, in the terms I’m talking about, is what psychologists call self-efficacy - you have the power to do something. You believe you can do it and affect the outcome. It’s NOT believing you can do EVERYTHING. You may be confident in your cooking, but not have confidence in your business. You may be confident in your writing, but not in public speaking. Another thing: Being confident does