Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

254: How to Plan in Uncertain Times



How can you plan for your business when everything in your life is uncertain? When you’re not sure where you’ll be next week or next month? You may be great at planning normal life, but what about when there’s a family illness, a new baby, a new job, a big move, a divorce, or just the uncertainty of life? Let’s talk through how to ride these waves of uncertainty. As you know, I’m in a really uncertain season of my life as a foster parent. Heck, as you listen to this, my whole family may have changed shape (again!). How can you plan for just running your business or growing your business when everything is so uncertain? Week to Week Here are my suggestions: Make a list of what is the core function of your business and what has to be done to make sales. Ruthlessly cut everything else. Remind yourself that this is just for now. For this season. Things will change, you’ll have more certainty and then you can add back in all the not-mission-critical-top-priority stuff. Each week, look at what’s ahead on your cale