Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

268: Fear of Success (rebroadcast)



In today’s rebroadcast we are revisiting a topic that I still get asked about every single week: Fear of Success. So let’s dig deeper: What is it? Once you've identified what you're really afraid of (hint: it's probably not “success”), how do you overcome it? That's what we'll cover today. In my experience working with creatives, what looks like “fear of success” is usually a fear of something else: Fear that you need to have the kind of “success” other people want … which doesn't appeal to you at all. Fear that you'll change into something you don't like Fear of being seen, noticed, paid attention to Fear of being overwhelmed Fear of disappointing others (when you're so overwhelmed you can't fulfill expectations) Fear you can't handle it Fear of being “found out” for being not good enough (ie, Imposter syndrome) What are you really afraid of? We'll discuss these fears and how to create the kind of business success you want, even while feeling the fear.   Listen in at TaraSwiger.com/podcast268