Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

273: Pressure to be perfect (rebroadcast)



In this week's rebroadcast we're tackling the pressure to be perfect. Do you know that feeling? Are you feeling pressured by Instagram to pretend like your life is perfect? Today we’re going to talk about this pressure for perfection and at the end of the episode I’m going to share where I’ll be next. I've been hearing a lot that there is this pressure, from Instagram and Pinterest (and the internet in general) to be perfect, to edit your life perfectly, to have a perfect house and perfect craft and perfect hair. And when I heard I thought, yeah, that makes sense, I've felt that. There IS that pressure. Then I was reading an article in New York magazine about Instagram influencers in the fashion industry – how fashion companies are now paying them to wear their goods – which is something going on in every industry and it makes perfect sense – people are paying attention to their phones more than to commercials, so move your commercials to where people pay attention. But what struck me is that the women who fo