Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

277: Business plans: Do you need one?



Do you need a formal business plan? If not, how can you plan your business so it’s profitable and successful? How will you measure if it IS successful? Today's deep dive into business plans comes to you because my Boss-Level Patrons voted that I make this episode this month. Several years ago I created a video where I shared the process of making the business plan to buy the comic shop that my husband worked at. When I made the video we were in the middle of planning to buy the shop, which didn't end up working out for reasons totally outside our control. But that video is still one of the most popular videos on my channel. So I recently went back and rewatched it and I realized I talked a lot about what we had done, but nothing that was very instructional if you want to make a business plan for your own business. And you know I want to be super-useful to you, so over the next two episodes, I am going to go MUCH deeper into the practical aspects of a business plan. Today we’re going to talk about when you DO