Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

279: How to survive social media burnout



Are you DREADING logging on to IG? Has it been WEEKS since you posted to your Facebook page or group? Honey, you are not alone. It is totally normal to get burnout, and this week I'm going to help you avoid it and deal with it when it happens, and I'm going to give you a dose of tough love! Today's episode is brought to you by my darling patrons, you can join them in supporting the show, at Patron.com/Taraswiger, for as little as $1/mo. It is sooo easy to get burnt out with social media. You feel like you have to be on all the things - Instagram, Facebook, groups, maybe even Twitter or Tumblr or YouTube depending on your Right Customer. Not only do you need to CREATE for those platforms, you also have to INTERACT, comment, like, reply to comments and DMs.... ahhhh It can get super overwhelming very quickly. So let's first talk about how to AVOID overwhelm and then how we will deal with it when it happens. To start with you need to accept one very big Truth: you don't have to be on everything. In fact, you CAN