Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

283: How to make time to APPLY what you learn



You have just read a great business book, or attended a workshop or joined an online class… but how do you get your investment out of it? How do you APPLY what you’ve learned? How do you make sure that it makes a difference in your business and your life? Today I’m answering a question a Starship Captain recently asked after she read a great book - how do I APPLY this to my business? You see, I’ve thought a LOT about how to make business education and information applicable. I’ve built it into my courses and program, so that as you work through the Starship Program, you are prompted to work WITH it in real time. We do this through apply-it-to-YOUR-biz worksheets, weekly accountability, chunking the content into pieces, and pacing it so that you work on it in an order that makes sense. You can learn about how I structure it and WHAT you need to apply to your business in my free masterclass, the Four Foundation Method. Join me at TaraSwiger.com/foundations  Go Slow One of the mistakes we ALL make is that we get