Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

290: Skip the Resolutions, Make a Plan



Are you setting New Year’s Resolutions? Have you in year’s past? How’s that worked for you? What if we stop with the resolutions and instead we actually transform our lives in 2020? You find ALL of my resources for creating a great year at taraswiger.com/2020goals So the problem with resolutions, I’m sure you already know, is that they don’t work. Think about it- have you ever met someone who said “I made a resolution and reached it!” No, because the way we set resolutions, the words we use aren’t reachable. In a 2018 survey, one-third (31%) of Americans who made New Year’s Resolutions last year say they didn't stick to any of their resolutions. A plurality (38%) say they stuck to "some" of their resolutions. Even the language used in the survey was “stuck to” resolutions. How do you know if you stuck to something or not? Let’s look at the most-popular resolution : “exercise more,” with 59%, “eat healthier” (54%), “save money” (51%),  “lose weight” (48%), “reduce stress”. These are impossible to succeed at b