Jam Sandwich

That's What They Want You To Think MASH UP || JS023



Before you read further, make sure that your listening device isn't bugged. Ever since Wikileaks exposed what a chill show this is, we've been monitored by several world leaders, in addition to other top secret organizations. Today's episode really ups the ante too, as we've got a crossover program with That's What They Want You To Think. Conspiracy theorists / curious little boy toys, Dan Friesen and Marty DeRosa join me for a frank discussion regarding several well known conspiracies that revolve around the music industry. Life and death hoaxes, secret societies, reptilian lizard overlords, phony impostors and more. I fear that I've already said too much and exposed you to the truth. If it's at all possible, I would suggest listening to this episode a good 500 yards below sea level. It's the only way to know that they're not watching and listening...         The flavor of jam this Tuesday is raspberry. I repeat, the flavor of jam this Tuesday is raspberry.           If you are still reading this: send help!