Jam Sandwich

Claire Jean || JS046



The world's finest guest returns as I once again sit down with my lovely wife for another thrilling installment of Jam Sandwich. It wasn't really planned, but I had a guest cancel so I figured why not bring in this sexy, educated woman once again? We listen to It's All Around You by Chicago's very own Tortoise, while I bombard her with nothing but cheeky innuendo. Who am I kidding, it's straight forward filth at times. We both throw out a few new knuckle tattoo ideas and discuss whether or not we did it on the futon that used to be in her mom's basement.   SPECIAL NOTE: There's a weird echo on my vocals throughout this episode and I can't figure out why in the heck that happened. Neither could my friends that actually know what  the f they're doing. It's really not that big of a deal and you can really only notice it when the music isn't playing. Kinda. It kind of comes and goes. WEIRD! Anyway, you should come to expect this kind of a thing at this point, right? It's free and still better than the audio on so