Jam Sandwich

Marty DeRosa || JS047



Friend of the show Marty DeRosa returns to the Palace of Sin for another thrilling installment of Jam Sandwich. Marty's pick of the week was N.W.A.'s 1988 debut classic, Straight Outta Compton. Along the way, we discuss the effect gangsta rap had on us as kids, particularly in regards to women's hygiene. It was educational to say the least. We were having such a good time that we kept chatting for a little bit even after the album wrapped. Some fun bonus stuff at the end too. HINT: It involves Daddy's!! Also, since there wasn't an episode last week (for no good reason this time) I'm gonna try to drop a deuce on all y'all this week, so be on the lookout for that. Jam Sandwiches can also be found at: jamsandwichpodcast.com || manontop69.com || Twitter: @jamsandwichpod || Instagram: @jamsandwichpodcast